10 ways to escape the heat in Maine


We’re looking at a few days of scorching heat, at least by Maine standards. Keep that in mind: It IS worse elsewhere. And many of those other places aren’t rich with nature’s natural coolers: mountains, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and miles upon miles of oceanfront. Here’s where to escape the heat in Maine.

1. Hit the beach

Hint: If you’re going to spend the day at one of Maine’s beaches, go early to stake your claim on a patch of sand. It’s easy to find the beaches along Maine’s Southern Coast: From York through Old Orchard, sand beaches line the shore. Beyond that, they’re a bit more elusive but do exist.

Try the Maine State Parks: Crescent Beach, in Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough Beach (a.k.a. Jordan’s), Popham Beach on the Phippsburg Peninsula, Reid on the Georgetown Peninsula, Birch Point in Owls Head (a.k.a. Lucia Beach), Lamoine, and Roque Bluffs, which also has a pond, near Machias.

Town ocean beaches include Pemaquid Beach Park, Laite Beach in Camden, Lincolnville Beach, Sandy Point in Stockton Springs, Mowry Beach in Lubec. There’s Sand Beach (see photo) in Acadia National Park. And then there are the local secrets, the little pocket beaches that niche the coastline, and the private ones that allow day trippers.

Cool off on a hot summer day with a whitewater rafting trip in Maine. courtesy Northern Outdoors.2. Whitewater rafting

What better way to stay cool than to spend the day on one of Maine’s dam-controlled whitewater rivers yiii-hah! The Kennebec is the classic trip, the Penobscot flows through some of Maine’s most spectacular scenery near Baxter State Park and Mount Katahdin, and the Dead River is anything but Dead. Try Northern Outdoors for the Kennebec or Dead and New England Outdoor Center for the Penobscot. Another resource is Raft Maine.

On a hot day, jump in a cool lake, such as Sebago, in Maine. 3. Jump in a lake

There are so many possibilities I can’t even begin to list them. Begin with the Maine State Parks listings if you want a park with services. If you simply want water, get out your DeLorme (You have one, right? If not, get one). The entire state is mapped in book format, and all waterways and access points are marked.)

4. Go boating

Sea kayaking is one way to cool off on a hot day in Maine. Hilary Nangle photo.Almost every coastal Maine town with a harbor has at least one sail, fishing, whale/puffin-watching, lighthouse-viewing, lobster-catching excursion boat. And most of its larger lakes have excursion boats (Rangeley Lake, Moosehead Lake, Long Lake). Catch an island-bound ferry. Or can ride along on the Casco Bay Lines Mail Boat out of Portland. Trips can vary from one hour to all day. Even easier, rent a canoe or kayak, motor or rowboat, and explore a pond or lake.

5. View cool art in an air-conditioned museum

Cool off in one of the air-conditioned museums on the Maine Musem Trail and you may see works such as this study for Wyeth's Christina's World, on view at the Farnsworth Museum in Rockland, summer 2011Chill with the art at any of the museums along the Maine Art Museum Trail: Bates College Museum of Art (Lewiston), Bowdoin College Museum of Art (Brunswick), Colby College Museum of Art (Waterville), Farnsworth Art Museum (Rockland), Ogunquit Museum of American Art (Ogunquit), Portland Museum of Art (Portland), and University of Maine Museum of Art (Bangor).

6. Go island hopping

Just looking at the ocean crashing on Monhegan's cliffs is cooling on a hot day. Hilary Nangle photo. Hop a ferry and head to Peaks from Portland; to Eagle Island from either Portland or South Freeport, to Monhegan from Boothbay Harbor, New Harbor, or Port Clyde; to Vinalhaven or North Haven from Rockland.

7. Zip down a mountain

Swing through the trees Tarzan style (well, not quite, it’s more of a controlled zoom) at either Sunday River and Sugarloaf. Both have zipline parks, and the Rivah also has a lift-accessed mountain bike park, with 30 trails covering more than 20 miles of downhill terrain.

8. Explore a garden

Cool off on a hot day in one of Maine's spectacular gardens, such as the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. Hilary Nangle photo. Cool breezes, lovely plants, shady groves, and for some, a seaside location. Top picks: Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay; Thuya Garden, Northeast Harbor, and inland, the woodland garden at McLaughlin Garden.

9. Seek refuge by a waterfall

Nothing finer than soaking in a rock pool at the base of a waterfall, and Maine has plenty of them. Easily accessible ones include Small’s Falls, off Route 4 about 12 miles south of Rangeley, and Screw Auger Falls in Grafton Notch State Park. If you’re willing to hike in the heat, there are plenty more. A good bet is Poplar Falls, in Carrabassett Valley, which is off a side trail from the Maine Huts Trail and close to the Poplar Falls Hut.

10. Berries! Lobster! Ice cream!

Locals know to bring all the fixings, from tableclothes to wine, when dining at one of Round Pond's harborfront lobster shacks. Hilary Nangle photo.My solution to the it’s-too-hot-to-cook dog days of summer: Lots of Maine food.

Late July/early August means berry season, and depending upon where you are, possibilities include strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Farmstands and farmers markets can be found throughout Maine, and there are also plentiful enterprising folks who set up roadside tables and honor bars.

Find a coastal Maine lobster shack, not a fancy one, but a bare-bones one where you can dress down in shorts and even go barefoot.

Top it all off with a Maine-made ice cream. You’ll find stands statewide. Sure, you can get outta-state products here, including those corporate Vermont flavors, but trust me, the local products are far superior, creamier, tastier, and come in even more creative flavors than national companies could even contemplate. If you can’t find a small shop, look for one of the bigger Maine-made ice creams, such as Giffords and Round Top.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please! If you’re traveling with your dog, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LEAVE HIM/HER IN YOUR VEHICLE ON A SUMMER DAY, and ESPECIALLY ON A HOT SUMMER DAY. Thank you. Consider this a PSA from my dogs, Bernie and Dooley.


  1. my personal favorite on an ordinary day? think up some (sometimes fictitious) errands around 4:00p.m. and drive around for an hour or so with the air conditioning blasting.
    When my elder doggie had congestive heart disease, he would enjoy this cool break a lot. Of course we always had an errand at the Post Office where Postmistress Abby would send out TWO treats, he being such a big boy.
    These cool breaks would send us both home refreshed and relaxed, and enjoying the cool evening air as it crept into the house.

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