Acadia National Park Cadillac Summit Road reservations

Make Acadia National Park Cadillac Summit Road to visit the highest point on the eastern seaoard, shown here during a late afternoon full moon.
Early full moon atop Cadillac Mountain. To see it, book Acadia National Park Cadillac Summit Road reservations. ©Hilary Nangle

Reservations required for Acadia National Park Cadillac Summit Road from May 25 through October 22

BAR HARBOR, MAINE – The National Park Service requires vehicle reservations for the Acadia National Park Cadillac Summit Road from May 25 through October 22, 2022. Vehicle reservations are sold on a rolling basis and are available for purchase online at

“In 2021, we successfully implemented the vehicle reservation system for Cadillac Summit Road, which eliminated the unsafe traffic and parking congestion problems we experienced at the summit in past years,” Kevin Schneider, Acadia National Park Superintendent, said. “With the demands of growing visitation, vehicle reservations will continue to be a useful management tool for improving the visitor experience.”

The Acadia National Park Cadillac Summit Road offers a 3-mile scenic drive to the top of the highest peak in the park. Parking is available in two locations at the summit, where a paved walkway connects scenic overlooks.

What to know about vehicle reservations

  • Vehicle reservations cost $6 each and must be purchased on in advance of your visit. They are not available for purchase in person at the park. 
  • In addition to a vehicle reservation for Cadillac Summit Road, visitors must have a park entrance pass and display it in their vehicle. These also are available at
  • Vehicle reservations are sold on a rolling basis: 30 percent of vehicle reservations are made available 90 days ahead of each date. And the remaining 70 percent are released at 10 am EDT two days ahead of each date.
  • After making a reservation, visitors should open the attachment in the confirmation email. And then print or save a digital copy of the vehicle reservation ticket with the QR code. The code will be scanned to verify the reservation. Note: Internet and cellular connectivity are unreliable in the park.
  • Vehicle reservations may also be made through the call center. Contacting the call center does not provide an advantage for securing a reservation. Call centers are open daily from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. EST. For reservations, call : 877-444-6777; or TDD 877-833-6777 or for international visitors 606-515-6777.
  • Vehicle reservations are not required for visitors who enter the area by foot, bike or taxi. And note that the Cadillac Summit is not served by the Island Explorer bus system. 
  • Vehicles over 21 feet long (including bike racks and hitch attachments), RVs, and trailers are prohibited. 
  • Commercial operators doing business in the park are required to use a separate vehicle reservation system. But first they must obtain a Commercial Use Authorization to access it.

Acadia is among the smallest and most popular national parks in the United States, with more than 4 million visits in 2021. Growing visitation has caused severe traffic and parking congestion at the park’s most popular destinations, including Cadillac Summit. The National Park Service completed a Transportation Plan in 2019 that provides a range of management actions to address these issues. As a result, the park implemented a vehicle reservation system for the Cadillac Summit Road in 2021.

For more information, visit and Acadia National Park’s FacebookTwitter and Instagram pages.