The Allagash Wilderness Waterway Visiting Artist Program brings one artist and a guest to Maine’s remote wilderness in August for two-weeks of inspiration.
The chosen artist and guest stay at Lock Dam Camp and receive an orientation from AWW rangers. The rustic, one-room cabin sits on the northern end of Chamberlain Lake, one of the largest and deepest lakes in the North Maine Woods. The cabin offers hand-pumped running water, a wood stove, gas appliances including a cookstove and refrigerator, and solar-powered lights.
For 28 summers, the cabin was home to Dorothy Boone Kidney and her husband, Milford, who provided information to canoeists and tended the dam. Dorothy wrote two books about their life here: Lock Dam, Wilderness Journal: Life, Living, Contentment in the Allagash Woods of Maine and Away from it all.
Allagash Wilderness Waterway Visiting Artist program details
In exchange for the stay, the Allagash Wilderness Waterway Visiting Artist agrees to hold at least one evening program and one open studio. In addition, within one year of their stay, the artist should provide reproduction-quality prints or digital imagery of finished work(s) representative of the artist’s style and resulting from the AWW experience. The AWW has the right to reproduce the image for its noncommercial use. Commercial use of the image will require the permission of the artist. The artist retains ownership of all other rights to the artwork. No stipend is provided. Apply online by Feb. 28. The winner will be notified by March 20.
Lock Dam Camp, a favorite spot for canoeists paddling the AWW, anglers, and those looking for a quiet retreat, is located approximately 10 miles from the boat launch at the southern end of Chamberlain Lake and 60 miles from the nearest town, Millinocket.
You’ll find more info about the program here. You may also contact Matt LaRoche, AWW Superintendent and Registered Maine Guide, at (207) 695-2169, matt.laroche@maine.gov.