April 2 at Sugarloaf, no foolin’


img_8736Wow! I had to drag myself off the mountain. Spring skiing doesn’t get any better than it was at Sugarloaf today. Didn’t hurt that the rain which fell elsewhere was snow on the summit–all the trees were coated with frosty snow. Nor did the blue skies, warm sun, and temperatures that kept it somewhat wintry at the summit; corn at mid mountain; and spring at the base.

skier-on-cinder-hoeDidn’t start out fine, though. Thanks to a late freeze, not too much was groomed and quite a few trails were closed. That all changed, though. By 10 am, conditions were softening nicely. By 11, I was skiing Choker and Boom Auger. Super picks were Double Bitter and Binder, both of which had been groomed. When I quite around 12:30ish, they were just opening Gondy. From the Beach, it looked superb.

Really, no bare spots, no rocks; just plentiful and good snow, even on the natural snow trails. And when you look out at the Bigelows, they’re still white. Will it last until May 1, projected closing date? If the weather cooperates, I don’t see why not.

heading-to-the-summit-on-the-empty-timberline-chairBut I gotta tell ya, it was lonely up there.

My only complaint: Black Diamond Burritos was closed, sniffle. I’d been craving one all morning. Instead, I had a Greek salad from D’Ellies. Not a burrito, but damn good.