Big whoopie-ta-do in Maine: Should whoopie pie be the state dessert?


Yup, folks, Maine’s legislature is making whoopie over whoopie pies. The legislature is debating whether to make the decadent treat the state’s official dessert, and the blueberry pie folks are fighting back. Frankly, I think it could all be settled with an old fashioned pie-in-the-face food fight. Last pie standing, wins!

Want to know more about whoopie pies? Read Nancy Griffin’s book.

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  1. What? Displace the noble blueberry pie with a sandwich made of chocolate cake and Crisco frosting. Blueberry-rakers of the state, unite! Make sure that all those blue teeth have not been dyed in vain!

  2. I’m a chocoholic. Nevertheless, when it comes to blueberry pie, especially if it ‘s topped with a scoop of premium vanilla ice cream, there’s no contest.

    The problem with the whoopie pie is the filling, which overwhelms the chocolate.

    Sorry, Hillary.

  3. I prefer the noble blueberry, though the Meyer lemon infused olive oil whoopie pie from Fiore Olive Oil Co. in Rockport comes close to changing my mind.


  4. When you think of Maine you think blueberry pie….not whoopie pie. Chrisco frosting is a great description but lard is a better one. The town of Machais would fall into Penobscot Bay without their annual wild blueberry festival. Thumbs down to the whoopie pie.

  5. Whoopies shouldn’t even qualify as a pie. When I think of Maine it’s blueberries –and the jams, syrups and, best of all, pies created from them.

    The Whoopie pie belongs with Shoofly pie—an Amish treat.

  6. I think that it’s time Mainers let down their hair and show their wonderful sense of humor. ANYONE can have blueberry pie (booo-rrrring) but most folks don’t even know what Whoopie Pie is. And “Making Whoopies” implies that Mainers aren’t even prudes. I say, GO FOR IT! Whoop it up with Whoopies!

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