Well that didn’t take long! The first dog in the new foster-to-adoption program at the uber-dog-friendly Inn By the Sea, in Cape Elizabeth, came and left within 24 hours.
Mombo, a 2-year-old, mixed-breed (paperwork says German Shepherd, but it appears there was a bit of Bernese Mountain in the mix), found a new home just one day after arrival. It’s easy to see why; just look at this sweet dog in his snazzy Adopt Me vest.
Adopt Me at the Inn by the Sea
The Adopt Me program, offered in conjunction with the Animal Rescue League of Portland, seeks to find fur-ever homes for adoptable dogs. To do so, it places rescues in temporary residence at the inn.
As one inn employee said, the hardest part is the emotional roller coaster for the staff: meet, greet, fall in love, and say good-bye! Looks like the GM and the rest of the staff wish Mombo had taken a bit more time to place. But another rescue soon will be in residence at the Inn by the Sea.
Interested? Call the inn to see if there’s a rescue dog in residence. Then, head over for a visit—as short as a quick coffee or cocktail or as long as an overnight or two.
And if you already have a dog, remember this inn is one of the most dog friendly around.

Great that you all are doing this.Imagine my good friend Rauni Kew is an enthusiastic sponser.
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