Five Questions: Ron Crusan, Director, Ogunquit Museum of Art

Enter the Ogunquit Museum of Art and it’s hard to decide where to look first: The works on the walls or the wall of...

Lunder collection inks Waterville on Maine’s art map

Colby College Museum of Art's new Alfond-Lunder Family Pavilion is a game changer for Waterville. With the addition of this new wing, set to...

Harlequin romance: great opportunity for birders

Ready to romance a harlequin? Here's a wonderful and rare opportunity to spy threatened harlequin ducks in Maine. On Saturday, March 30, Bob and...

This and that: News, notes, & events from around Maine

Choo choo! Model railroads and free admission Train fans take note: The Maine State Museum, in Augusta,  is celebrating model railroads Dec. 7 and 8....

Three books share Maine’s great outdoors with enthuisasts and armchair dreamers

Ahhhh, October, summer's last stand. I treasure October: the light is soft, the air is gentle, the breezes are clear, and the bugs are...

Musical notes from around Maine: Strand concert series and PSO’s new season

Here are some upcoming concerts and musical events in Maine worth your attention. Suzanne Vega and Arlo Guthrie Headline the Strand Fall Concert Series Check out...
Tool geeks have a happy place at Liberty Tool, in Liberty, Maine. hilary Nangle photo

Tool geeks, fixer-uppers, and artisans, meet your happy place: Liberty Tool

If it weren’t for Skip Brack, it’s likely the rural town of Liberty, Maine, a dip off Route 3 just inland from coastal Belfast,...
The Camden Windjammer Festival over Labor Day Weekend celebrates Maine's maritime heritage. Sheila Grant photo.

Schooner Mary Day celebrates 50 years at 2012 Camden Windjammer Festival

More than 20 schooners and other sailing vessels are expected to arrive in Camden this weekend (Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 2012) for the Camden Windjammer...
Don't miss the Kotzschamar Centennial Festival, Aug. 17-22, 2012; next chance to hear the organ will be in 2014.

Tour Portland’s Kotzschmar organ

The Kotzaschmar Organ, the first municipal organ in the country to be designated a municipal organ and one of only two still in existence...
Sunsets over Corea's boat-filled harbor can be magical. Hilary Nangle photo.

3 reasons to visit sleepy Corea, a village near Acadia National Park’s Schoodic section

Whenever I visit Maine's Schoodic Peninsula, home to the only mainland section of Acadia National Park, I also detour out to Corea, a lobstering...
For a taste of the real, ungussied-up Maine, loop down to Jonesport and spend a day or two immersed in a real lobstering village. hilary Nangle photo.

The view from Jonesport, Maine: an authentic, ungentrified lobstering village on the down east...

Jonesport is a bona fide, way-way down east Maine lobstering village with a salty disposition and a stunning location. Not too many tourists other...
Docent-led small group tours of Winslow Homer's Maine studio are expected to sell out. Hilary Nangle photo.

Don’t miss touring Winslow Homer’s studio on Prouts Neck, Maine

  You can visit painter Winslow Homer's studio in Prouts Neck, Maine. In September 2012, the Portland Museum of Art opened the studio where the...
the Abbe Aldrich Rockefeller Garden is accented with artifacts from the Far East

When visiting Acadia National Park, don’t miss Mount Desert Island’s gardens

When immersed in the often jaw-dropping natural beauty of Acadia National Park, it may seem superfluous to seek out man-made gardens, but Mount Desert...
Chef William Howe's fish chowder aboard the Maine windjammer Angelique. Hilary Nangle photo

Nothing better than fish chowder on a Maine windjammer: Here’s the recipe

“I don’t really use recipes,” says William Howe, chef on the traditional Maine windjammer Angelique as he peels potatoes for the day's fish chowder...
Celebrate Moxie at the Moxie Festival in Maine.

Got Moxie? Find out with a good read, then celebrate at the Maine’s Moxie...

Are you familiar with Moxie, official soft drink of Maine? Jim Baumer and Frank Anicetti want to make sure you know about a beverage...