Budget travel tips: Save a mint with these ideas

I travel frequently throughout Maine and beyond for work, and since I’m most often on my own for expenses, I’ve mastered keeping costs manageable....
A winning entry in the cooking contest. Image coutesy of the Machias Wild Blueberry Festival.

Machias is wild about blueberries

One of my favorite Maine festivals is happening this weekend, the Machias Wild Blueberry Festival. This one is more than a simple festival, it's...
Artists and artisans along with farmers and bakers can be found in the towns bordering Maine's Eggemoggin Reach. Hilary Nangle photo

Maine’s Blue Hill peninsula delivers coastal Maine without the crowds

Maine's dreamy Blue Hill Peninsula is an off-the-beaten-path treasure. Galleries, restaurants, and small shops pepper the byways webbing a rolling landscape that's carved in granite, fringed with spruce, and splashed with ponds.
Lubec's last sardine-processing plant found new life as The Inn at the Wharf. The Inn on the Wharf, in Lubec, is sited in a former sardine processing plant. ©Hilary Nangle

Checking-In: Lubec’s Inn on the Wharf delivers authentic taste of Maine’s seafaring heritage

If The Inn on the Wharf, in Lubec were any closer to the shoreline, I could cast a fishing line out my window. Instead,...

Osprey returns to Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park

Most people go to Freeport to shop, the savvy make their way to Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park, an oceanfront jewel with hiking trails...


Forecast called for 4-6 inches, but I'm guessing we've already received more than 8 inches of featherweight powder here at Sugarloaf. Temperatures have warmed...

Breakfast at the Lonely Moose

Well it's not the Porter House*, but Chef Brian's new venture, the Lonely Moose (at the old Mainley Yours), in Stratton, has breakfast nailed....
Plaque on Inn with its name and the date 1886.

Checking in: Norumbega, Maine’s castle hotel

New owners of the Norumbega Inn, Maine's castle hotel, have refurbished this architectural gem from the ground-floor suites to the fourth-floor Penthouse. Proprietors Brett...

Nation’s last sardine cannery closing, sniffle

In the first half of the 20th century, sardine processing was big business in Maine, with more than 400 factories along the coast, but...

The cheese whiz

I finally made it to The Cheese Iron, the Scarborough specialty shop that caters to cheese aficianados. Trust me, it's worth going well out...

Dog days of winter: Dogsledding with Mahoosuc Guide Service

Sometimes photos say it best. Here's a selection from my recent dog-sledding day trip, a howling good time with Mahoosuc Guide Service. From the...

Lose the crowds

We visited Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park yesterday, meeting friends at the Jordan Pond House for lunch (the salad with apples and cranberries...

Cheap Sleeps: budget-friendly lodging on Maine’s southern coast

It's not easy to find budget-friendly lodging on Maine's Southern Coast. The region's proximity to Boston and easy access have made it especially popular....

Gondy redux take 2

Nope. Not likely. Although the possibility of pairing the old Big Sky gondy cars now warehoused at the loaf with future castoffs from Loon,...

Southwest Harbor restaurants play muscial chairs, and old favorites return

But of course! As soon as the new edition of Moon Acadia National Park is on the printing press, the changes begin rolling in,...