Take a free guided hike in one of Maine's state parks on New Year's Day

Start 2012 on the right foot with a First Day Hike in a Maine...

Maine's State Parks are offering four, free, First Day Hikes, each led by park staff, on Sunday, Jan. 1: Aroostook, Cobscook Bay, Wolfe's Neck...
Craving tortierre or pot en pot or raisin pie? Check out Bouchard Family FArms new French-Acadian Cookbook.

Bouchard Family Farms cookbook preserves Maine’s French-Acadian recipes

Ployes! Pot en Pot! Tortierre! Creton! Raisin Pie! If you've ever had the good fortune to travel in Maine's St. John Valley, you're likely...
Grammy's Country Inn home-cooking rstaurant, Linneus, Maine

Grammy’s Country Kitchen, Linneus, Maine: Just like Grandma’s, only better

Diet in advance, order conservatively, and plan to share. That advice comes paired with nearly any recommendation for Grammy's Country Inn. This unassuming restaurant...

Ployes, creton, and chicken stew

Whenever I asked a local where to get the best taste of  the St. John Valley (or St. Jean, if you're French)—that strip of...

Where in Maine 3

Recognize it? Tell me what and where:

Parks and passes

With temps expected to push well into the 80s later this week and a holiday weekend on the horizon, it's time to start thinking...
Saturn is one of the sightsalong the Maine Solar System Model,

Maine Solar System Model makes interplanetary travel possible

Interplanetary travel is possible in Aroostook County, where the Maine Solar System Model stretches nearly 100 miles along Route 1.

Moon guidebook updates

Sorry to report on a couple of closures. In Presque Isle, Heidi's Tea Room has shut its doors, a real loss. The combination restaurant/gourmet shop/antiquarian...

One potato, two potato: Seek out Maine’s Fox Family Potato Chips

Honest, I've never been one who covets potato chips. Sure, if they're served with a sandwich, I'll usually chow a few, but I never...

207 Maine: Local Choices

If you watch 207 on WCSH tonight, you'll see me chatting about new editions of two of my Moon series guidebooks Coastal Maine and...