Give a gift of Maine this season with personalized and signed books


Brash self promotion: This holiday season, why not give someone you know who’s planning a visit to Maine, or from Maine but living elsewhere, or simply treasures the state a signed and personalized copy of Moon Maine, Moon Acadia National Park, or Moon Coastal Maine?

As a little incentive, all books purchased from me come with an email travel consultation, so your giftee can pick my Maine-rich brain about an upcoming trip to make it even more memorable and personalized.

A Good Deal:

Coastal Maine, 2010 edition: $16 plus shipping (cover price is $19.95)

Acadia National Park, 2009 edition: $14 plus shipping (cover price is $17.95)

Maine, 2008 edition: $10 plus shipping, limited supply  (cover price is $21.95)

A Better Deal:

Purchase two or more copies of Coastal Maine and/or Acadia, and I’ll throw in a copy of Maine 2008, while supplies last.

Interested? Contact me at Hilary AT MaineTravelMaven DOT co (or through the envelope icon in the right-column).