Good to go at Sunday River


I went to Bethel seeking options for lunch and dinner. On a Tuesday afternoon. In late March. First choice for lunch was Barbecue Bob’s, the orange trailer next to the Good Food Store. Nope, day off. Next stop was Cafe DiCocoa, downtown source for all kinds of baked goodies and prepared items, including sandwiches. Nada, closed. Peeked over to Cho Sun, thinking maybe dinner. Not open Tuesday  nights. So back to the Good Food Store I went.

Now the Good Food Store doesn’t look like much from the exterior. It’s an old New Englander farmhouse hard by Route 2, but inside it’s a warren of tiny rooms filled with good foods. Natural foods and specialty items, bulk bins and designer chocolates, organic wines and soy cheese vie for shelf space. Lots of finds for foodies here.

All that’s good, but what really makes this gem shine are the prepared foods. It’s the best source for t0-go sandwiches, salads, and soups, and the refrigerated cases are the source of fabulous salads, burritos, and dinner entrees. I grabbed a pork burrito for lunch, which the clerk warmed for me. Yum.

Then I returned to survey the dinner entrees. Hmmm, white lasagne? Shephard’s pie? I chose the Moroccan chicken, which was a smart move. I  brought it back to the condo, popped it in the oven for 20 minutes as enticing aromas filled the room, then voila, a dinner comprising exotic yet comforting flavors (with leftovers for a second night, all for $13). Oh, and if you go, the cookies earn their renown. Better yet, they cost 75¢ each for a decent sized one. Stock up, you’ll be wanting more for the ride home.

And the skiing? Spring conditions with winterish weather. Colder than expected, but snow was soft with corn. One caveat: The Rivah’s trails have lots of ridges and rolls. Be careful when cresting, there’s sometimes exposed rock or ground behind that horizon line. Hey it’s spring! Still plenty of great skiing out there. Enjoy.