It’s lonely near the top


of Sugarloaf, that is…on a Monday, in late April, but the skiing was mighty fine. From cherry blossoms and tulips in New York on Saturday to shusshing down Gauge this morning, I think I’ve experienced every aspect of spring in about 48 hours.

Compared with when I left a week ago, the mountain is definitely looking springish. From Oh-my-gosh! corner, you can see big patches of brown, but most of those are still stitched with white.

Two lifts are running, SuperQuad and Spillway East. Sign at the base of the quad said “Most skiing requires walking.” I didn’t experience that. I took four runs before the sun came out full force and forced me to retreat, and I found plenty of corn snow. But it sure was lonely. I had each trail to myself, and often the lift, too.

Gauge: excellent, plenty of cover.

Sluice: had to thread the needle on the headwall, but nice snow other than that. Spillway is looking quite boney, but Sluice below the Headwall should hold up for a few more days.

Tote to Hayburner: Few baldies on this run; snow is good, although Peavy over to Spillway was getting interesting.

Upper Double Bitter to Skidder: Great snow, good turns.

There’s still a huge mound of snow near the SuperQuad base that can be pushed around to keep snow in that area. If the weather holds, I’ll head out again tomorrow. Tentative closing date is May 3.