Maine Solar System Model makes interplanetary travel possible

Saturn is one of the sightsalong the Maine Solar System Model,
Find Saturn along the Maine Solar System Model, one of the world’s largest scale models, stretching along Route 11 in Aroostook county. ©Hilary nangle

Kevin McCartney, professor of geology at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, is the mastermind behind the Maine Solar System Model. This three-dimensional, 93 million-to-one scale model stretches along Route 1 between Houlton and Topsfield.

Constructed in 2003, it originally included the sun, nine planets (poor Pluto hadn’t been demoted yet), and seven moons. With the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet, McCartney and students updated the trail in 2008, adding other dwarf planets, such as Ceres and Eris. That doubled the interplanetary travel route from 40 to nearly 100 miles. Almost all of the planets can be seen from Route 1. And, the Maine Solar System Model brochure makes it easy.

A little girls points to one of the planets alog Route 1
Kids love spying Maine Solar System Model planets along Route 1. ©Hilary Nangle .

Community built the Maine Solar System Model

Like the rest of the model, the local community funded and built the additions of Ceres and Eris. The project included students from more than a dozen schools in northern Maine. As more dwarf planets are discovered, McCartney plans to add them to the model. That, he says, might extend it far beyond Aroostook county. “It may not be too long before we have a dwarf planet near you,” he quipped.

The Sun, by the way, is at the Northern Maine Museum of Science, located in Folsom Hall, on the University of Maine, Presque Isle, campus. Nothing is too high tech here. But, it’s a great teaching museum and especially fun for kids.

If you’re truly a planethead, stay at the Old Iron Inn B&B, which McCartney operates with his wife, Kate. Comfy rooms, wonderful breakfasts, lots of good reads, and, true to its name, irons everywhere.

Linger longerEscape crowds on a scenic Maine loop through the Maine Highlands and Aroostook County.

A sign identifies Saturn along the Maine Solar System Model
Signs identify stops such as Saturn. ©Hilary Nangle


  1. That’s pretty cool. So I guess if the sun was an actual ball out in the open, rather than painted in the interior of the museum, and you could see it from the Earth model a mile away, it would appear to be the same size as the sun does in the sky.

    It’s also interesting that the entire inner solar system out to mars is contained withing the same town, while Pluto is many miles away.

  2. You’re testing the limits of my science knowlege (neither that nor math is a strong point). If you’re really curious, contact Pr. McCartney through the Old Iron Inn or UMPI. But yes, the whole model is really cool.