Maine’s azalea and lilac gardens blossom with spring’s tidings


Azaleas, rhododendrons, and lilacs are beginning to blossom, and these Maine public gardens are full of their color and promise. Note: Some have donation boxes—give the suggested amount if you can, more if possible.

McLaughlin Garden, South Paris

Home to one of the largest collections of lilacs in the country, Bernard McLaughlin’s labor of love, now entrusted to a nonprofit, really struts its colors in late May for the annual Lilac Festival. Expect talks, walks, demonstrations, food, and other activities highlighting the 200+ lilacs blooming here. Can’t make it then? Check the current days and hours when this woodland and flower oasis is open; on a midweek day, you often will have it to yourself.

Asticou Azalea Garden, Northeast Harbor

Lovely to visit from spring through fall, from late May through June, Asticou is especially vibrant thanks to its collection of colorful azaleas and rhododendrons drawn from around the world.

Harvey Butler Rhododendron Sanctuary, Springvale

Visit this 30-acre sanctuary owned and managed by the New England Wildflower Society in mid July to see the 5.3-acre stand of Great Laurel (Rhododendron maximum), a very rare species in Maine, in full bloom. Also at least 39 wildflowers bloom here.

Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay

Stone paths lace through the Giles Rhododendron & Perennial Garden, with hundreds of plants accented by a natural pond and a lovely waterfall. Admission charged.