Mourning the Porter House


The Porter House, that fabulous restaurant seemingly in the middle of nowhere (Eustis), went up in the flames early this morning and burned to the ground. That’s a huge loss for the Stratton/Sugarloaf/Rangeley communities. It was huge draw and always busy. Even drew folks down from Quebec province for its tasty meals, fair prices, and relaxed attitude. Too early to know future plans, but I’m hoping they rebuild. Please.

UPDATE: My earlier reports were a bit exaggerated. It didn’t burn to the ground, but local sentiment is that it would take a miracle to rebuild the historic 100-year-old structure. See more here.


  1. Hilary: Isn’t it so sad that the Porter House is no more? I hope they rebuild.

    Happy New Year!

    My New Year’s Resolution is to get together more with you and my other good friends and not work so much!