New book captures Maine in cartoons


Cartoons from Maine, by Jeff Pert, is available from Down East books.I’ve been a fan of Jeff Pert’s cartoons for years. The man knows Maine and Mainers, and he knows how to tickle our collective funny bones. Many of his the best cartoons—those that adorn tee shirts and coffee mugs—are collected in the new paperback book, “Cartoons from Maine” (Down East, $12.95). Even better, my all-time favorite Maine cartoon is on the cover.

His wry humor addresses everything from cabin fever to gigunda mosquitos, seagull tactics to moose therapy. Anyone who’s spent a winter in the state will nod in agreement with his jabs at cabin fever, snowfall, and potholes. He has a special talent for anthropomorphizing lobster, moose, and gulls.

If you want to introduce someone to Maine humor, this book would make an excellent gift. If you’re looking for a easily packable souvenir, you’ve found it.






  1. Hilary,

    Thanks so much for this wonderful review! It just came to my attention. I truly appreciate it!

    All best,
    Jeff Pert

  2. Hi Hilary, I will be visiting Maine two weeks from now and have been thinking of giving gifts from Maine. This collection of cartoons has piqued my curiosity. I don’t want to buy it from Amazon. Will I be able to find it in Bar Harbor? Thanks.

  3. I would think Sherman’s in Bar Harbor would have it, but you might want to call in advance and ask — if not is stock, it could have it by the time you arrived.

  4. Ok, thanks, Hilary. Can’t wait to visit Acadia NP. Do you have any recommendation for gifts that aren’t too ‘touristy’? I’d love to support local crafts and products as long as they’re not too weighty when sent through USPS.

  5. Visit Island Artisans on Main Street in Bar Harbor for an excellent selection of craftwork by local artisans. Also check out Alone Moose on West Street and Flying Mountain ARtisans in Southwest Harbor. Island museums have interesting shops, too. The Abbe sells work by Maine’s native American community — and you might be on the island for annual basketmakers festival on the College of the Atlantic campus in early July. Check the farmers market for locally made fare that might be shippable (such as small jars of jams and jellies) as well as crafts. Also check the calendar of events for any craft shows happening during your visit.

  6. Hi Hilary, thanks. A friend and I will be staying in Southwest Harbor (from your recommendation on budget lodgings) and will be sure to first visit Flying Mountain Artisans. Thank you for the great work and the recommendations.

    PS. Yes, Sherman’s in Bar Harbor does have Jeff Pert’s “Cartoons from Maine.”

  7. Hilary,

    I had a great and unforgettable time in Maine! I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful recommendation on Harborview Motel in quiet Southwest Harbor. Sadly, I was not able to visit The Flying Mountain Artisans during my visit there. Eventhough it was actually only a few minutes away from Harborview, whenever my friend and I passed by the place, it was either too early in the morning or already closed for the evening.

    I would really love to visit Maine again, and if chance permits or whenever it takes, will make a repeat itinerary to Acadia Nat’l Park, as well as The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden, and Bar Harbor. (Btw, The AARG is just fantastic!) Next time, I’ll try to make the trip longer. As a hobby photographer, I just wasn’t able to get enough of Acadia’s beauty with the limited time that I was there.

    …… or perhaps, I was simply overwhelmed.

    The best thing I like about Bar Harbor is the conspicuous lack of malls, MacDs, BKs, Starbucks, etc.. Yes, it is touristy, but still what a welcome change! There was, I believe, only one Subway in town. My travel companion said it was probably there because they order the local vegetables. Which makes sense. How great it would be if people support local stores, and locally-made and home-grown products. The plethora of Made-in-China souvenirs was actually very saddening.

    Thank you again, Hilary, for all your great recommendations. Keep up this good work. It is a great service to all of us.

    Warm regards,

    PS. *Curiously, I wasn’t able to get ahold of any Fox Family Potato Chips in any of the stores we visited. No-one seems to carry it in their stores. I could be wrong, tho.

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