New edition of Moon Coastal Maine


The new, hot-off-the-press edition of my Moon Handbooks Coastal Maine just arrived on my doorstep, and I have to brag: I’m quite pleased with it. I’m especially thrilled that my editor accommodated all my last-minute adds/changes/deletes, so that it’s quite current, a rare feat for guidebooks.

I’ve included plenty of new restaurants and accommodations, as well as new places to see and things to do. Of course, I’ve shared my finds, my favorite quirky places, my off-the-beaten-path discoveries. And yes, I’ve dished on dining, from take-out stands to clothed tables and detailed the best places to snooze, from tourist cabins to luxury digs. And so much more.

I maintain this blog to keep my readers up to date on opening, closures, and change, so you’re always in the loop.

Shortly, this blog will have a new look, too. In the meantime, thanks for reading, and if you or someone you know is contemplating a trip to the Maine coast, please purchase my book. And now, shamless promo over, back to our regularly scheduled blogging.