On a clear day…


IMG_0760…you can see from Mount Katahdin to Cadillac Mountain from the observatory capping the Penobscot Narrows Bridge’s west tower.

Not a place for those fearful of heights: The tower’s elevator rises the equivalent of 40 stories before opening to floor-to-ceiling glass windows framing the Penobscot River. Climb another two stories to a height of 447 feet, plenty high enough for those head-swiveling views. Placards label the various mountains and lakes within sight.

IMG_1986Access to the observatory is through Fort Knox, and tix, including the fort, are $5. The fort, dating from 1844, is beautifully restored and a great place for a picnic. It’s also the site of frequent re-enactments and other special events ranging from a Renaissance Fair to Fright at the Fort, a Halloween spooktacular.


• The bridge is similar to Boston’s Zakim

• The observatory is one of only three such structures in the world, and it’s the only one in the western hemisphere

• The only gold in this Fort Knox is pyrite, a.k.a. Fool’s Gold.
