One potato, two potato: Seek out Maine’s Fox Family Potato Chips


Honest, I’ve never been one who covets potato chips. Sure, if they’re served with a sandwich, I’ll usually chow a few, but I never order them, never purchase a bag at the corner market.

You can almost feel good about eating Fox Family Potato Chips, they're delicious and without any nasty additives.That was until a few days ago, when I spotted a bag of Fox Family Potato Chips in a country market in Sedgewick, Maine. The silver bag promised “Potato chips that taste the way Mother Nature intended.” Yes, the word potato stood out in red. Underneath, it said: “Prepared by hand to ensure the very best quality.” And then there were the ingredients: potatoes, corn oil, canola oil, salt. That’s it.

If that weren’t clear enough, it also listed what it didn’t contain: no transfat, no cholesterol, no preservatives, no artificial flavors, no artificial colors. They’re made in Maine using Maine potatoes from the Fox Family farm, in Mapleton (that’s just west of Presque Isle, in Aroostook County).

I was intrigued enough to drop 99 cents on a two-ounce bag. I tasted one, and then another, and before I knew it, the bag was history. Oh man are these good. You can actually taste the potato. They’re not oversalted, not greasy. They’re crunchy, flavorful, delicious. And I want more. Now.

Look for the silver bag with red lettering . Besides plain, they come in salt & pepper and BBQ flavor (not the usual BBQ, but with a cayenne-fueled firey kick).

And here’s a parting thought: Nibble on them while sipping Cold River Vodka, also made in Maine from Maine-grown potatoes.


  1. Hilary: Have you tried the new Cold River Blueberry Vodka? Bob Harkins, who is one of the founders of the Maine vodka company, and also by the way a former US Ski Team Coach, dropped a bottle off at my office last week for me to try. It is really good with a splash of tonic and a lime. We’ll have to have one together when you’re up at the ‘Loaf.

  2. Now all they have to do is add lobster, and it’ll combine all three Maine flavor icons: potatoes, blueberries, and the crustacean. Might be a way to help out the lobstermen during this downturn, too. And yes, I think a tasting is in order, after making some ‘Loaf turns.

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