Portland to Kingfield food musings


Every ski town–make that every town–should have a cafe like Kingfield’s  Orange Cat. I never pass it without stopping in, whether for tea or hot cocoa (try the Mexican), those addictive raspberry white chocolate scones, the monsterous chocolate chip cookies, the equally huge salads or sandwiches, or just to chill and do a quick email check. Love this place–it’s cozy, relaxed; stopped by this morning and picked up a muffin for a wee hours of the morning flight tomorrow, but I digress.

Cruising over the Bath Bridge, I glance over toward downtown Bath. I see MaryEllenz is gone. Hmmm, when did that happen? Moved or closed? Since the web site is dead, I’ll assume the latter.

Next stop: Old World Gourmet, at the Big Indian (you know it, when you see it) in Freeport. Another favorite place for picking up good sandwiches and yummy chocolate chip cookies (see a pattern?). BUT ACK! Sign on the door says its closed for the winter. Waah.

Ended up at lunch at the Thai Garden  on Route 1 in Freeport. Still open, still good, still efficient service. Whew! (But no chocolate chip cookies, damn).