Scupture dedication and Summer Solstice Celebration today in Roque Bluffs, Maine


If you’re in down east Maine, near Machias, here’s a fine way to spend the afternoon.

Warm Wind, a sculpture created by Kazumi Hoshino, of Steuben, Maine, during the 2001 Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium, is being dedicated at 3-4 p.m. today at Roque Bluffs State Park, in the don’t-blink community of Roque Bluffs, Maine. After the dedication, the Summer Solstice Celebration kicks off with music, drumming, and a lobster feed ($20 lobster, $13 chicken, $5 kids chix or hot dog)

Honshino’s gentle oval stone sculpture was installed last October as part of the Schoodic Symposium’s 2011 class. It is now  listed on the Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium Sculpture Tour of coastal Maine.

Artist’s statement:

I am honored to have my sculpture installed in beautiful Roque Bluffs State Park. My recent work, the series Composition, comes from combining simple forms.  The Circle we can see by observing nature and life.  Its form is soft.  It evokes motherhood with its encircling shape. There is no beginning or end.  There is harmony. With my work, I want to give people of our generation warmth and a quiet peaceful feeling.

Roque Bluffs, near Machias, is one of those lesser-known state parks, more of a local secret than most. The views are endless and—bonus points—it has a freshwater pond for swimming, which is far warmer than the ocean in these parts. Even if you’re not around for the dedication and solstice events, put Roque Bluffs on your Maine bucket list.