Sunday River, Maine, adds flying disc golf course and bungee trampoline


Sunday River, in Bethel, Maine, has a lift-assisted mountain biking park. Western Maine’s Largest Yard Sale and the new Flying Disc Golf Course and bungee trampoline are just a few reasons to visit Sunday River, in Bethel, Maine, when it opens its mountain park for the summer season this weekend.

• The all-day yard sale on Saturday, June 30, will take place in the parking lot adjacent to South Ridge, Sunday River’s main base lodge. Approximately 50 large booths will overflow with gazillions of from-my-attic-to-your-basement finds.

• The Flying Disc Golf Course is set along the trails and in the woods near South Ridge. The sport is similar to regular golf, in that players want to hit all targets in the fewest number of swings, or tosses, but that’s where the similarity ends. In flying disc golf, participants toss a disc at a target.

• Guests trying the Bungee Trampoline are strapped into a harness attached to bungee cords, which will allow them to reach new heights and get creative with tricks.

Throughout the weekend, the resort will be offering lift-assisted mountain biking, zipline tours and twin zips, geocache adventures, scenic lift rides, wildlife tours, and much more. Pricing for each activity varies, but new this summer is and “Adventure Package” allowing all-day unlimited access to scenic lift rides, Twin Zips, the bungee trampoline, and the flying disc golf course for $25  ($22 for kids) .Lodging packages for opening weekend start at $49 per person, including a day of lift-serviced mountain biking.

Looking ahead: The Maine State Championship Downhill for professional and amateur mountain bikers is slated at Sunday River on Sunday, July 8.