The reality of Acadia’s rogue wave tragedy


There have been lots of stories, and even more rumors regarding last weekend’s storm-related tragedy on Mount Desert Island’s Acadia National Park.

Truth is, many folks are drawn to crashing surf like moths to a flame. The problem is that few are familiar with rogue waves, those oversized, out-of-pattern swells that surprise and sweep everything in their path out to sea.


  1. I bet that cutter that rescued them came from the Coastie base at Southwest Harbor. I would think that would be the closest place and 70 minutes seems about the right response time from there under those conditions.

  2. I thought you might like to see some images from hurricane Bill last weekend. I just posted them on facebook.
    You can see them without having to join by going to this link.

    I could never be a photojournalist! Though the images are not of the moment of rescue and are not sensational. The tragic events last weekend are still with me and it is still with mixed emotions that I post pictures of last weekend in Acadia. But maybe it will help people be more aware if this weekend brings the same conditions with Danny. Please share with anyone you think might be considering a trip there this weekend.

  3. I loved that stretch of Park Loop Road when we went there last September. No waves anything like that though! All the way up to the road, yikes!

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