The ski report


If you live south of, say, Augusta, Maine, you’re likely experiencing that season known as “spring.” Up here in the north country, not. Our Sugarloaf house still has close to four feet in the yard, and the snowbanks still tower well over that. Which means, it’s still winter and the skiing goes on.

And it’s cold. Last two mornings temps have been below zero at 7 a.m., so I haven’t been too quick to head to the mountain, even though the U.S. Nationals are in progress. Today, temps are predicted to shoot up to the 30s–Wow! Heat wave–before it snows (again) tonight.

Yesterday all lifts were running, and the skiing was excellent. Once the bump runs soften, they too should be superb–plenty of snow covering them. Ditto for the Snowfields.

So, hold off on the golf clubs and the tennis racket, and get up here for a few more runs. Really, it doesn’t get much better. And the ‘Loaf is planning on staying open until May 4.


  1. You’ll be spring skiing in July. LONG days…will they stay open, at least on weekends? (people just don’t think skiing in July- the “Backyard effect”…or…the “4th of July” effect”?)

    I’m jealous!

  2. Doubt it will last that long, but it should be white up here well into May, baring tropical rains. It truly was one of those perfectomundo days today. Sunny, warm, blue skies, no lines, soft snow. ahhhh. My pick of the day: Binder to Scoot, summit to base.

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