To market, to market


I’m a huge fan of farmers’ markets, and whenever traveling I try to visit local ones. This morning, I visited the Damariscotta Farmers Market (Friday mornings, 9 a.m. to noon). What a fabulous location! Farmers set up at the Salt Bay Farm preserve, in a grassy field at overlooking Great Salt Bay. Plenty of organic produce, plus Borealis breads, Nanney Kennedy’s wool sweaters and blankets, Appleton Creamery cheeses (and a delicious sheep yogurt), Mainely Chicken poultry, plus Chase Farm’s baked goodies (scones, cookies, pies, doughnuts) and meats, and so much more.

One of the fun things about visiting various farmers markets is the serendipity of it all. You never know what you’ll find. Some have local artisans selling in addition to farmers, some sell specialty foods, such as chocolates. But everything is local, and the finds are fun.To find farmers markets, visit the Maine Department of Agriculture’s Get Real site.

Another great stop is Spear’s Farmstand, on Route 1, in Waldoboro. Nothing too unusual in produce, but it does carry some cheeses, Bold Coast Smokehouse products (garlic and pepper salmon sticks!), and it has a great kitchen that turns out very reasonably priced yummies, including cookies and pies. It’s nowhere near the size of Beth’s, in Warren (another favorite), but it sure is convenient when traveling Route 1.


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