View from Goulding’s, Monument Valley


Talk about a fab view!

Gouldings Trading Post is a historic property in Monument Valley, Utah. Not only is there a motel with divine views, but also a good restaurant–homestyle and traditional, nothing fancy (and no alcohol as it’s on the Navajo Reservation)–also a small theater that shows John Wayne flicks, and a museum filled with all sorts of memorabilia, from the Navajo nation, the Gouldings who established the post and brought John Ford here during the Depression years and ultimately John Wayne and other stars. Yeah, tons of memorabilia is here.

Even better, Gouldings is just minutes from Monument Valley Tribal Park, the iconic setting for all those classic westerns.

But here’s another treat: On Dec. 6, updated to Dec. 31, The View, a hotel, will open at the visitor center within the park. Either way, you can’t go wrong.


  1. Yeah, we ate there while visiting Monument valley. Neat place.

    BTW, we were staying on Mt. Desert Island in Maine last month and the little house we rented had a copy of your Acadia guide. It was so thorough we immediately ditched our other guide and used yours the whole week. Good job!

  2. Thanks! Bet you rented a the same house on Clark Point Rd., in Southwest Harbor, that we did earlier in the summer. I left a copy of my Acadia book there–great location.
