Wanna see a Maine moose?


Saddleback resort, in Rangeley, Maine, is offering free moose-spotting tours during the summer. The resort’s Moose Patrol bus departs  Saddleback’s downtown Guest Service Center  on Mondays and Thursdays evenings, rain or shine. According to Kara Wilson, tour guests have been sighting a record number of the ungainly beasts this summer, along with foxes and deer. They’ve even spotted a few baby moose (mooselets?).

The tour follows Route 16 (a.k.a. Moose Alley) from Rangeley toward the Eustis-Stratton area. Sure, you can drive it on your own, but why bother when you can let someone else do the driving, so your hands are free for the camera and you don’t have to worry about hitting the critters. Reservations are required, call 207-864-5496.