Boothbay Harbor — The 2022 Windjammer Days festival celebrates working women on the waterfront. Sixty years ago, Captain Marion Dash, the first female boat captain on the Maine coast, founded Windjammer Days to celebrate Boothbay Harbor Region’s maritime heritage. This year’s event, Sunday, June. 26-Saturday, July 2, will honor 16 contemporary working women.
Also new this year are two events, Harbor Aglow and the Antique Boat Parade Pier Party.
Women in the Windjamer Days spotlight
Among the women being honored are:
Katie Doughy Maddox has always loved being on the ocean. Growing up she spent a good amount of time at the shipyard her father co-founded back in 1977. Today, Katie is running the yard as President of Washburn & Doughty which builds some of the world’s finest steel vessels.
Linda Greenlaw wears many hats, but she is most proud to say, “I am a fisherman.” The only female swordfish captain in the U.S., Linda’s remarkable career includes authoring nine books and co-authoring two cookbooks, staring in a Discovery Channel reality series, charter boat captain, lobster fisher and more.
Virginia Oliver is still lobstering at 102 years old and she will tell you she is going to keep on doing it as long as she can. She and her youngest son Max, who is 83 years old, go out 3 days a week in season.
Barbara Scully, marine biologist and aquaculture pioneer was instrumental in the resurgence of oysters in Maine, perfecting techniques are are still used by many oyster farmers today.
Also being honored Elaine Jones, who was responsible for the Maine State Aquarium’s creation as well as for the restoration and creation of the interpretive program at Burnt Island Light.
Major Windjammer Days events
When an event has been held for 60 years, you know the organizers have it nailed. These are the festival’s signature events:
June 26
- Harbor Aglow: New this year, this celebration of lights includes boat, slip, and mooring lighting, from 8:30-10pm, and a boat parade at 9pm.
June 28-29
- Pirates of the Dark Rose
June 29:
- Gathering of the Fleet
- Cod Fish Races
- Street Parade
- Fireworks of the Harbor
June 30:
- Antique Boat Parade Pier Party: Also new this year, the Pier Party will take place after the boat parade at The Shipyard at Bristol Marine and feature live music, appetizers and beverages. Tix are $40 pp and numbers are limited.
- Artists’ Alley (continues July 1)
Find everything you want to know about Boothbay Harbor’s Windjammer Days.