Wrap it up: Safe Harbor Chocolates


Need a great stocking stuffer? You know I’m a chocoholic, and I’ve dished on a number of Maine chocolatiers, but here’s one that you can really feel good about choosing. Waldoboro-based Safe Harbor Confections spreads good cheer year round, not just during the holiday season: 5 percent of gross sales is donated in either cash or product to animal-related causes.

caramellongThe cream-filled choices include blueberry, made from local handpicked Maine wild blueberries, cranberries from a Maine bog, and maple butter, made with Maine maple syrup. Also available are Maine scenes, a chocolate moose or lobster, even a belted Galloway or, my fave, three dogs (yes, there’s a cat, too, and other fun stuff). You can find them in local markets or they can be mail ordered, and the prices are quite reasonable.